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Choristoneura pronubana

(Hübner, [1799])

  • Subfamily: Tortricinae, Archipini
  • Wingspan: 18-24 mm
  • Flight period: May - Aug
  • Spread: Uncommon
  • Host plants: Polyphagous


The Choristoneura lafauryana also known as Strawberry Leafroller is a moth of the Tortricidae family, subfamily Tortricinae, with a wingspan of about 18-22 mm in the male and 20-24 mm in the female.
Mainly distributed in central western Europe with some surveys in Romania and southern European Russia. *
In Italy it is absent from the islands. *

The fore wings of Choristoneura lafauryana are yellow-ocher or yellow-brown with reddish-brown spots and streaks.
The wings have a strong silky sheen. In females the markings are reduced.
The hind wings light gray or cream-ocher. **,***,****

The Choristoneura lafauryana hibernates in the larval stage, in silky protections, among the peel of occasional "shelter plants" or among the dry leaves at the base of tree plants or on the edges of cultivated areas.
It is a bivoltine moth. In spring the larva resumes its activity on the vegetation.

Adults of the first generation flicker in late May-June. These adults originate the larval generation which carries out its activity in midsummer. The second generation of adults originates from these larvae, which flicker in late summer, in the third decade of August. ***

The eggs are deposited in elongated batches of 70-100 eggs on the upper surface of the leaves of the food plant. ****
The larva has an average length of 25 mm. The head is pale yellowish brown mixed with brownish green or yellowish. The body is yellowish green with a darker green dorsal line, the prothoracic shield and anal shield are light yellowish brown or dark green. **,***,****
The pupa is bright black.

Polyphagous species, it feeds on many plants, both herbaceous and fruit trees, in particular it can be found on Fragaria sp (strawberry), Glycine max (soy).

* Lepidoptera mundi - Fauna Europea
** Bestimmungshilfe für die in Europa nachgewiesenen Schmetterlingsarten -
*** Istruzione agraria online -
**** Eurasian Tortricidae 2.0 -

Choristoneura lafauryana
Choristoneura lafauryana
Choristoneura lafauryana
Choristoneura lafauryana
Choristoneura lafauryana
Choristoneura lafauryana
Choristoneura lafauryana
Choristoneura lafauryana