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Rebel, 1901

The Scythrididae are a family of small moths of the superfamily Gelechioidea.
The species known so far are just over 500, mainly present in Europe. **
The adults are small (5-22 mm wingspan) and, when at rest, have a "drop" shape and have diurnal habits, sometimes crepuscular. *
They have smooth scaled heads with curved labial palps. Some brachyterer species are known which live in long silk tubes. **

The larvae skeletonize the leaves and also feed on buds and flowers. There are many host plants, as well as mosses and lichens, but in particular Chenopodiaceae, Crassulaceae, Compositae, and Graminaceae. **

* V Hodges (1999), Baran (2004), ToL (2009), Wikispecies (2009-NOV-17),
** Encyclopedia of Entomologia, pp 1488-1489, John B. Heppner -